Monday, December 26, 2011

thoughts before de new year...

My dream since I was younger:

To hold a yacht wedding at 28
To design my own house by 30
To carry my first boy by 31
To have 3 lovely kids before 35

Age and reality kicked in last night.
Where am I now?

My dream is simple. Yet difficult to realise. To be truthful, I haven't been happy lately. Work, family, relationship, health ain't too good. Did I make the wrong choices again? Is everything worth it?

I long for carefree days. Somewhat like karen. I wanna travel again. 2012. I pray for a much better year. No new year resolutions as usual. And ya, no major life decisions yet.

Peg, u help fulfil half my dream...I have my chubby lovable godson this year at least. :)