that's my leg keke...hang on, i'm revealing de reasOn why i lOve to swim and sunbathe here!
handsome hunks??
aiyo, what attracts me are de...
* wOnderful & beautiful shower facilities, look at de showers below!! got heater some more leh
* shampoo & shower foam provided (hee no worries if you forgot yours)
* no queue, no crowd, and more importantly, no biantai 'g-string' guys
* S$3.20 for public, S$2.10 for guests

i also combed de new ecp to changi village route not once, but twice! no idea how long de distance was, but i cycled non-stop for 4 damn hours (to and fro)! i had to literally crawl to my toilet at nite, no joke kay!
it drizzled and poured on my 2nd attempt... keke enjoyed every bit of peddling in de rain! itz been a long time since i got so drenched!
oh ya, itz only S$6 bike rental for 3 hrs with free polar mineral bottle! think itz weekday promo rate (shop is near mac, with skateline beside, you will be able to see de promo signboard: 1hr free 1 hr + free drink!)
oh ya i caught some nice sand castles, snoopy & spongebob along de way... wondered who built them?
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