anyone knows of any store that still carries de concord round white adidas original sleek (uk size 5)? or can recommend a reliable online webstore to buy?
2008 has not been a good year for de wOrld, and for me personally.. hard to believe i am actually stepping in de "New Great Depression".. wonder if i should be proud to be in this historic crisis??
really really hOping for a smooth and heartwarming 2009... no new year resolutions (never had).. will be thankful if every of my loved ones can stay healthy and happy whole year round...and that includes you =)i really regretted sucumbing to packing with de ugly LC aunties at de JB custOms yesterday for almost an hour (left my home at 10am reach city square at 2pm)...i told myself never ever to enter m'sia on a weekend (unless someone drives) from now on!! thought i learnt this lessOn many years back haiz.. fren pls remind me if i ever fOrgot again
f*ck de m****ys and aunties who just kept pushing and pushing! (omg majority were holding red passports like mine somemore) they should all be terminated for a better tomorrow... bang bang bang!!
come on de whole waiting area should be queue-barricaded and air-conditioned!! phew a few times i was practically gasping for air, jam-packed in a maze of sweaty, pushy, ugly beings around me (my height doesnt help obviously).. and de speed of clearance was simply too awesOme for words...
luckily there were still cultured ones albeit only a handful... dey made my day seem alot nicer... halehluya!
and of cos a muscle relaxing thai traditional massage at thai odyssey, city square at de end of de day was a comforting trade-off (located inside thai village, innercity, level3, RG$83 for 90mins)...depending on who your massager is, de rating differs...but de ambience and service was not too bad.. 3.5/5
Came across this song "wife" (家後) when pub singer 民雄 sang to his wife at a variety show...for de fact that his wife married and stood by him when he's poor and low, how they survive a near divorce, how he's gonna hold her hand and take care of her... didn't manage to find de clip, but he really has got a great voice =)
although de original singer is 江惠, i prefer de male rendition...by shy shy 敬腾 *hiaks hiaks*
keke, look at de way he dance for de last song! so cute omg!
this version is also nice... de gal 黎礎寧 recently committed suicide cos of love matters... alamak she's so pretty, so talented...itz really not worth ending her life...but then perhaps this is her destiny? it's fated ba
if you listen carefully to de lyrics (that is if you understand), de song speaks of an ordinary marriage, ordinary life, ordinary couple, ordinary happiness...and there's grandpa asking grandma to leave first cos he doesnt bear to see her tear for him...
itz as touching as de movie 'ps i love you' =)
that's my leg keke...hang on, i'm revealing de reasOn why i lOve to swim and sunbathe here!
handsome hunks??
aiyo, what attracts me are de...
Hey~我真的好想你 现在窗外面又开始下着雨 眼睛干干的 有想哭的心情 不知道你现在到底在哪里
Hey~我真的好想你 太多的情绪 没适当的表情 最想说的话 我该从何说起 你是否也像我一样在想你 如果没有你 没有过去 我不会有伤心 但是有如果还是要爱你 如果没有你 我在哪里 又有什么可惜 反正一切来不及 反正没了自己
Hey~我真的好想你 不知道你现在到底在哪里
Hey~我真的好想你 现在窗外面又开始下着雨 眼睛干干的 有想哭的心情 不知道你现在到底在哪里
Hey~我真的好想你 太多的情绪 没适当的表情 最想说的话 我应该从何说起 你是否也像我一样在想你 如果没有你 没有过去 我不会有伤心 但是有如果还是要爱你 如果没有你 我在哪里 又有什么可惜 反正一切来不及 反正没了自己
HEI~我真的好想你 不知道你现在到底在哪里 你是否像我一样在想你
hey, guess if i'm a boy or girl? do i look like a maplestory character?
oh ya while we travel along de malaysia highway, we came across SOS signs...
it actually means ⋅⋅⋅ – – – ⋅⋅⋅
yep, get it???!!!!
aiya, it doesnt mean anything lah!
itz not an acronym, it doesnt stand for assholes, save our sedan (what else can you think of?)
itz just letters representing an internationally recognised radio code to call or signal for help... chey!
hmmm a recommended place to chit chat with frens or read a book... feels abit like you are overseas?
oh no realise i have been advertising for free lately >_<
it was de day one of my closest frens got hitched to de love of her life...
(姐妹s trying on our cream themed dresses and discussing de wedding plans at 新娘's new home... guess who's de bride who is not in cream??)
(姐妹s visiting our alma mater to make a special dedication for de wedding day montage, but as all of us are camera-shy, phew...am so glad the dedication was not screened during de lunch in front of so many guests...yeah it will be a exclusive video for de couple only wahaha!
and gosh fellow crescentians, our canteen has changed alot sia! yupz now it has Wiis for our 学妹s to play...look at the screen and game controller in de pic)
(姐妹room at shangri-la...oops dun focus on de mess thou)
and not forgetting de lovely hand-made corsages we wore on our dresses...(click here for clearer pic of de corsage)
de sweet mani and pedi we did on our nails...
*blink blink*
what i loved most about de day:
everything falls into place with er... a few hiccups of cos...but most importantly, de bride din puke!
(she will when she's too anxious...i was de runner and have to standby with a few plastic bags to pre-empt her...omg cant imagine if she did on her big day!)
what de bride loved most for de day:
waiting in de master bedrm waiting for de groom to enter, and hearing de laughters de 姐妹s had gate-crashing with de 兄弟s... (keke, guess she's eager to join us in de hackering!)
what de groom loved most for de day:
de solemnisation... de bride answering "I will" before de JOP asks her officially! (keke, she must be too nervous!)
a special dedication to the newly weds..."when you tell me that you loved me"...your solemnisation march-in song was perfect for de occasion...
remember to be there for each other no matter what happens...
may you two share a blissful marriage fOrever...
新郎, thanks for being so sporting for de games we played!
我门相信你一定会在每个月份对peggy说: "我很爱你,我很幸福" 的!
i really enjoyed every effOrt, planning, laughter, idea, whatever was done for the past half year befOre this day was eventually hatched...
yo 姐妹们, lets celebrate with a happy jump!
eh i'm not ready la, one more time, here we go, 1, 2, 3, Yippee!
and if you are wondering who's de lucky guy...
oops, mark and peggy, hope you wun mind me sharing your first kiss online!
promise to post more beautiful photos when i get them ya (>_<)
happy deepavali ah ne!
chanced upon this song while watching 岁月风云。。find it very meaningful in the context of the show... 听听看吧。。。