Tuesday, October 28, 2008

nO pOrk nO pOrk!

i ordered my bbq food online for chalet over de deepavali holidays... being certified halal, i didnt order any pork chop, though de thought of having it makes me drool... mmmm...

at the chalet, there's this conversation which kept me entertained...

a: can i have pork chop when its cooked?
b: there's no pork chop, only lamp & chicken chop

few mins later,
a: where's my pork chop?
b: we din order pork chop, cos itz halal.

few mins later,
a: i feel like eating pork chop... is it ready?

haha, on my mind i was like "isn't this mr brown's NO PORK podcast?!"

for those who have not heard it, enjoy!
if you heard it before, keke i'm sure you will still be entertained again, so enjoy too!

happy deepavali ah ne!

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