Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i simply couldn't resist...

when i visited de iwannagohome website, i thought de pOlka-dOt jars were sO sweet (yep, they caught my eyes) i told myself to jus go have a look at them since de stOre is nearby (at great world city)... anyway itz been a long time since i shOp...

when i saw de jars, i was like 'Omg, they are really lOvely!'
de small jars (S$9 each...was S$19) make a set, while de biscuit jar is slightly taller.. and costs S$2 more only... de wooden lid will kinda seal de mouth, so nOthing will crawl in or climb Out, or it seems...

before i could ratiOnalise...

keke... i bought it, stuffed some sugar biscuits in it, and placed it on my bed tOp!! (try to imagine the big *smilez* on my face now)

tell me, how can a pOkie-dOkie freak resist? itz retail therapy! muahahhaha!


Anonymous said...

they sure are lovely! =P

jOanie-san said...

ya, &'m enjoyin de biscuits in it... it definitely tastes betta! hiaks hiaks...

Anonymous said...

Haha, looks very matching. If I were you, I'd buy the whole set!