Thursday, October 2, 2008

yUmmy chickS!

if u ever hear me say "hey i can whip really yummy chicken wings leh!", here's how de chicks look like! itz crispy on de outside, juicy on de inside.. *yummy*

my buddies say ah, their dishes (steamed egg, sausage beans, mushroom brocolli, fried "hua1 tiao1 jiu3" wanton) is not my chicks' worthy opponent!

one of them packed de food back for her hubby-to-be.
& she sms me:
"M**k said only the chicken wings are truly edible. The rest are tasteless."

ta-da! i can consider whipping chicks for $$! any takers? guarantee itz betta than de o*d chang kee wings...

1 comment:

Ashlyn said...

how come i never eat b4... i oso want!!! munchie munchieee!!!