Tuesday, October 28, 2008

nO pOrk nO pOrk!

i ordered my bbq food online for chalet over de deepavali holidays... being certified halal, i didnt order any pork chop, though de thought of having it makes me drool... mmmm...

at the chalet, there's this conversation which kept me entertained...

a: can i have pork chop when its cooked?
b: there's no pork chop, only lamp & chicken chop

few mins later,
a: where's my pork chop?
b: we din order pork chop, cos itz halal.

few mins later,
a: i feel like eating pork chop... is it ready?

haha, on my mind i was like "isn't this mr brown's NO PORK podcast?!"

for those who have not heard it, enjoy!
if you heard it before, keke i'm sure you will still be entertained again, so enjoy too!

happy deepavali ah ne!

Friday, October 24, 2008


chanced upon this song while watching 岁月风云。。find it very meaningful in the context of the show... 听听看吧。。。

my firSt sketchie

tried my firSt sketch with a little notebook gift from ly*n...
thanx gal *wink*

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i simply couldn't resist...

when i visited de iwannagohome website, i thought de pOlka-dOt jars were sO sweet (yep, they caught my eyes) i told myself to jus go have a look at them since de stOre is nearby (at great world city)... anyway itz been a long time since i shOp...

when i saw de jars, i was like 'Omg, they are really lOvely!'
de small jars (S$9 each...was S$19) make a set, while de biscuit jar is slightly taller.. and costs S$2 more only... de wooden lid will kinda seal de mouth, so nOthing will crawl in or climb Out, or it seems...

before i could ratiOnalise...

keke... i bought it, stuffed some sugar biscuits in it, and placed it on my bed tOp!! (try to imagine the big *smilez* on my face now)

tell me, how can a pOkie-dOkie freak resist? itz retail therapy! muahahhaha!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


if you like playing bOard games, try Dilbert: the Board Game.

itz silly, political, and yes, you and your frens have to literally work on projects through the Marketing, Sales, Human Resource, Legal etc departments, and may have to enter the Boss room (sounds familiar?), all for the fUn of gaining happiness and being unhappy!
itz crazy, as a bad roll when you enter Marketing means you have to sit under the table until your next turn.

hee, lucky i didnt get to try that last night, but a stupid cOnsultant card sends us kneeling on our knees and begging for a jOb before the start of each player's turn! (No, I'm not kidding.) for the first time, i happily beg for a jOb! laughing and laughing whenever my frens and i did it...

hmmm, really reminds me of the 上等人, 下等人game that i played during the last kukup trip...itz also a lame game that got us laughing throughout the night, and drinking loads of h2O as penalty! till now i still remember the "i love new york" tshirt my fren, y*ng, wore... *tsk* *tsk*

i hope to play asOk, the intern, again during my chalet this weekend. =D

er...but but but dont ask me the rules of bOth the games, cos i cant remember!!

lOvely flOras...

i lOve flOras!!
hand-made these with my buddies for a special event,
for someone special =)

aren't they juS lOvely??

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

are you a gOOd tipper?

hey babe, is your beau a good lOver? observe how much he tips... cOs they say...

"tippers make better lOvers!

& bad tippers are suppOsedly lame in bed"

haiz gals, too bad our guys do not tip in s'pore... *tsk tsk*

listen up guys, remember to tip lotz on your first date!

hey maybe i should get myself a tip jar...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i m yOurs...

O' i finally fOund this sOng...luv it!

been searching fOr it online, and asking around (i even tried humming de rhythm, er... but nobody understands the musically inclined me)...tot itz sung by americal idOl jason castrO...原来 itz jasOn mraz

blur queen... ;p

hmmm, makes me feel like i'm in paradiSe.. in my dreamland, dreambed, dreamhOuse, dreamwOrld...

hey there, feel like jOining me mah?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


click on this link -

if i am an american, i would vote for... kirby atwood, of cos, oh yeah, oh yeah!

文不对题1 (>_<)

the smartest answers to a question i hear today:

son (from "eye-pain" school): dad, what does prosperity mean?

dad (scholar): it means prosperous.

aunt (ntu grad): boy, itz in the national anthem. you sing it everyday.

me: so you know the meaning of prosperity, now?

son: ya, it means getting better and better..

kaoz like dat oso can


文不对题2 (>_<)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

quOtes from "tuesdays with morrie" by mitch albOm...

gO read it, if you havent...

(the story is not meant to make one sad.
it taught me the meaning of life.
my tears rolled when i read it back then.
and i know im not the only one.)

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

"Once you know how to die, you know how to live."

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in..."

"As far as men go, it is not what they are that interests me, but what they can become."

"You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean"

"Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness."

"You see, you closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too - Even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling."

"I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations — one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it — you will regret both."

"Dying is one thing to be sad about, living unhappily is another thing."
"I need to respect my children worlds, or else this disease will have ruined the three of us instead of one."

"The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. and you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it."

"Death takes away life, not relationships."
and relationships can be very fragile - gee from my own experience..

beautiful lessOns from mitch...beri real...but whO really lives by it?

(btw, do they really look like this?)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i attended my customs fren's weddin last fri...really nice to catch up wif the 七怪s (some are not in this pic thou...)

i kinda enjoyed the groom's speech...from my vague memory, here it is...

"谢谢我的阿嫲把我教得这么好...让我能有这么好的工作 (all his colleagues are there)...我的优点是跟你学的, 缺点都是朋友教的!" (kk, i know you are not referring to me!)

so nice to have 阿嫲 around =)

more pokies-dokies =D

i have a 'fetish' for pokies-dokies

Thursday, October 2, 2008

rsvp - what dOes it mean?

haiz itz de wedding invitations & baby showers phase now

been asking around what does RSVP mean? and nobody seems to know..so common yet no one knows...do you? keke actually i'm as ignorant lah:

RSVP stands for the French phrase Répondez s’il vous plaît (“reply, please”)
so if u sending invitations, dun write (pls rvsp or rvsp pls) otherwise itz like (please reply, please or reply, please, please) haha sounds so desperate!

it also means there is a need to reply (not if you can then reply, if not keep quiet) & nope, only you are invited, so dont ask if you can bring along your partner/kid etc!

so if you see r.s.v.p. on an invitation, pls respond promptly!

(more @ http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/rsvp.html and http://entertaining.about.com/cs/etiquette/qt/tip122500.htm)

yUmmy chickS!

if u ever hear me say "hey i can whip really yummy chicken wings leh!", here's how de chicks look like! itz crispy on de outside, juicy on de inside.. *yummy*

my buddies say ah, their dishes (steamed egg, sausage beans, mushroom brocolli, fried "hua1 tiao1 jiu3" wanton) is not my chicks' worthy opponent!

one of them packed de food back for her hubby-to-be.
& she sms me:
"M**k said only the chicken wings are truly edible. The rest are tasteless."

ta-da! i can consider whipping chicks for $$! any takers? guarantee itz betta than de o*d chang kee wings...